Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

Teach-in and Strategy Gathering

Sunday February 20th 2011


Trans-Pacific Partnership 

Timeline - Click and go
    1: General facts about the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement – (PDF)

    2: Maori, Te Tiriti and the TPPA (PDF)

    3: Bill of Rights for Investors (PDF)


    1: 21st Century Agreement Or 19th Century? - Bill Rosenberg

    2: Hillary Comes Bearing a Poisoned Chalice – CAFCA

    Activist Tools

    1: A Manual for Counter-Technopols  -  By Jane Kelsey, download (word)

    Web-based Activist Toolkits 

    Ruckus Society

    The Ruckus Society provides tools, training, and support to environmental, human rights, and social justice organisers. Ruckus's roots are in the forest defense movement. Includes a full range of manuals, including; Action Planning, Media and Creative Direct Action.


    The American Civil Liberties Union works in the courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve  individual rights and liberties in the U.S. Useful stuff on writing op-eds and lobbying.

    Seeds for Change provide a selection of  briefings and guides, (primarily PDF downloads) and links. Topics range from planning a campaign to consensus and facilitation tools.

    Bottoms up

    Published online in 2001, Bottoms Up: A Guide to Grassroots Organizing was compiled by the November Coalition. Bottoms Up is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to organising for  social change. Includes sample telephone trees and signup lists. US War on Drugs focus.

      Useful resource on the fundamentals of using the Internet for outreach & organizing

     Action to Control TB International

    Sections include; Advocacy 101, Media Tools and Advanced Advocacy.


    Union/worker focused website, a companion to Labor Notes’ Troublemaker's Handbook'Putting movement back into the Labor Movement'

    Back to Basics  

    Economics for Everyone: A Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism, by Jim Stanford, is a textbook for activists that provides a comprehensive and accessible description (and critique) of free-market economics. A great textbook for getting on top of a subject the ‘experts’ would rather you didn’t understand - fully understandable to average, non-specialist readers.

    Most importantly, Economics for Everyone is backed by a comprehensive set of web-based instructional materials – including a course outline, lecture notes, student exercises, and a glossary, all available for free on the web.


    Late Night Live discusses the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement
    The ABC’s Phillip Adams interviews our own Jane Kelsey, Lori Wallach (director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch) and Patricia Ranald of the  Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET),

    >Listen Online